I love to start new projects! Just can't wait to see what my ideas and fabrics will look like as I work with them. The trouble is, once I reach a point where I can see how it's working, or have grasped a new concept, I start to lose interest. Also, needing to put away the project(s) for a meeting or a holiday changes what is taking priority in my plans.
So to try and help keep focused on just a few things, I decided to try keeping a Project Notebook where I would put all the instructions for current in progress projects. Sounded like a good idea. Feels like a good idea. Soon became very apparent I have more in progress projects than will fit into a notebook. That goes to show that I do lose interest and move on to another project.
The good thing about this idea is that I am keeping instructions together and I like looking through the book. It is a reminder of what I am choosing as the most important projects to keep working on. The first two projects in the book are true ongoing projects as they are the instructions for two Block of the Month Quilt groups that I signed up for. Those may eventually move to another notebook as the number of instruction sheets grows. Other projects have been apron patterns for a challenge that my doll club has for this year. One member gave us three variations of a pattern and being a little bit OCD, I had to make all three in both sizes. Then I also decided to make another set with a sewing theme. By the time I got to the end of the last set, I was truly ready to get those instructions out of the project book. Here is one set-these turned out really cute. The picture does not really do them justice.

The dolls are called Rosette-the taller doll, and the smaller one is Bleuette. The names were what the French called them when they were first produced. Both of these are reproductions that I made. Since I am starting to make more clothing that will fit the taller doll, I need to make a couple more that size.
To get back to the subject of the project notebook, for the time being I am finding it very helpful. If you are like me and can lose things easily (or not remember where you left something) you might this idea. I'll keep you posted on how this continues to work out.