Here's the latest on my "Katie Squares" quilt top. I've added the sashing strips and cornerstones. Next will be a black border. The options are a three-four inch black border, or a narrow border-1" or so, and then another narrow border also 1" or so of a color and then the wider black border. I suppose a third option is to just finish it as it is. One width of fabric would about do for a backing if I did that, otherwise there will have to be a pieced backing. I have some blue plaid shirting I am thinking of using for the backing. I had almost given that piece to the Salvation Army until I saw a pattern for a shirting quilt. Now I am happy to have saved that piece. But that brings up the questions, how do you get over wanting to save EVERYTHING? I love my stashes. Finding them and what is in them is a subject for another day.
It's Sunday and doll club day is here on Saturday so there won't be too much sewing the rest of this week. I need to finish a Bleuette apron for the apron challenge and get the house ready. January is the first month of the apron challenge and the hostess gets to chose the apron to be made each month. We did not specify that a sample had to be ready, but of course it would be nice. And of course, there is work. This is a busy week at work. We will be putting up the full Valentine run of cards on Monday. Then I will training a new hire on Wednesday and Friday and we have an installation on Thursday. So free time will be limited.
So for now-stay warm and safe-
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